Monday, May 18, 2009


Before I tell about my hangover, one correction. The last blog talks about my last day at chemo. That didn't happen. First, in my anxiousness to get it over I miscounted the number of treatments I'd had. Then the doctor decided I should have 2 more, which even after chemo last week still means 2 more I think. Oh well! Anything for a long remission!!

Hangover - Yes, I have a hangover today! Not from alcohol but from the glorious weekend! Sunshine and warm weather mixed with the sights and sounds of people outside having fun, doing yard work or just hanging out was a blessing after what seems like a long winter. I am totally amazed at how quickly the trees got leaves. It's like you could hear it happening. All of this combined to lift me above the normal chemo side-effects. My spirit overcame the urging of my body to slow down. It was great!

This is a great time of year! The migrant birds are returning. Warblers, White-crowned Sparrows, Fox Sparrows and soon swallows. A trip to Potter Marsh on Saturday gave me a glimpse of 2 Arctic Terns on a rest break before heading further North.

Today it is back to work but the weekend weather continues and memories are still fresh. I hope the hangover continues through the week!